FireMate | Insights

NEXT-LEVEL innovation

Written by Peter | 9 Jun 2022

FireMate’s Managing Director, Rob Thomas, was recently named the Standards Australia Innovation Award winner for 2022.

So, how does innovation occur at FireMate? We asked Rob to share his thoughts on the innovation process at FireMate.

Rob says the key is to have a “disciplined approach to understanding market needs and always having a can-do attitude.”

FireMate’s software is built BY fire industry professionals FOR the fire industry. We choose to put ourselves in the shoes of fire techs, office teams and business managers. We constantly engage with clients and industry colleagues and listen to their needs and business problems. Asking “what if…?”, “how important is that?”, and “how can we do better?”.

The can-do attitude of innovation at FireMate is really a way of thinking. We’re constantly pushing the limits of what’s possible, stretching and trying to deliver solutions beyond what our clients ask for or even thought was possible.”

Book a demoLearn more about the 2022 innovation award